Sunday, September 21, 2008


In the same way that dozens of cars just like the one that you just drove off the lot with seem to appear on the journey home, I have begun to notice other houses for sale.

On a jog through the neighborhood today, I noticed a realtor sign up ahead, and almost tripped as I read the tightly spaced letters on the bottom of the sign that spelled out "INDIFFERENT." Being somewhat new to the home seller's rodeo, I just assumed that maybe I was missing out on an unorthodox strategy and made a mental note to ask our realtor "Does that attitude ever work?" At this point, I am willing to try anything.

But of course, as is usually the case in my life, I was mistaken. The sign actually bragged "I'M DIFFERENT," and through a combination of middle aged eyesight and a general case of being not too bright, I made the assumption. And we all know what happens when we make assumptions.

These are trying times in many industries, not the least of which is real estate. Many thousands of home owners are wondering what is the best and most successful strategy. Maybe leaving a plate of cookies under the sign is the answer. Or perhaps a sign that says "Three free lawn mowings if you buy now!" would do the trick. Although soon it will have to be edited to say "snow shovelings." Unfortunately I am not wealthy enough to advertise "Buy one get one free."

So, as I wait for my home to sell, I will get my eyes examined. Maybe there is a way to include an eye exam as part of the deal....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Moving On Down, To The South Side

Timing, as they say, is everything. Having decided that a change in career was in order, I packed the car, left the sale of the house in the very capable hands of my wife, and drove in the direction of the gulf coast. Luck was on my side, as my brother and his family would host me for the duration of a lengthy training period with a large company in the energy industry. We would be able to sell the house, load up the boy and the labrador retreiver, and resettle in the Texas or Louisiana gulf coast area. The plan was set and all we had to do was carry it out. A little time apart is nothing, and the future holds much business travel, for which I will be well compensated.

Then Ike came calling.

I don't like Ike.

I grew up along the Mississippi coast, but have not been through a Hurricane since 1985. I remembered that they were exciting, sometime scary inconveniences. In the same way that the memory of the pain of a broken bone or kidney stone or even, I am told, childbirth lessens as the years go by, I had forgotten how much hurricanes are a pain, even after the scenes of Katrina.

No power for two days. And we were the lucky ones. Many Houstonians are still without power and water, a miserable existence. Schools and business closed for at least a week, including my new employer, which delays the training period and the chance to begin to earn real money.

And, the stock market imploded, capital is questionable, banks and insurance companies are shaky and suddenly no one is interested in buying a wonderful, four bedroom home in the Omaha suburbs. Thank God that I have a loving, generous family with (hopefully) lots of patience. We are all going to need it.

Timing is everything.